Postgraduate studies

I had never questioned the possibility of doing a postgraduate before, so when I saw the blog's theme I began to investigate and the Doctorate in Public Health caught my attention. It is taught in the same university that I am studing, so I think that in the near future I might get interested.

Last semester I had a public health course with Professor Ariel Castro, and it was very interesting. There, we address issues such as: the health system in Chile, social determinants, the epidemiology of some diseases, among others. I like knowing about the health system in Chile, it serves a lot to work in the medical area, to know about the GES, the different health plans that exist, the policies of the health systems, all that is a different approach, and I Think that it's really interesting.

Based on the above, the Doctorate in public health would be very useful to apply new models and methods to improve health in Chile.

This deviates a bit from my plans as a future pharmaceutical, but it is another option to perfect my profession, this is beyond laboratories and pharmacies, I see it like something to try to solve a "general problem", which includes all of us, The Health System.


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