My favorite concert

 I know I will always remember my first concert, it was wonderful! In 2013 I went to see Bon Jovi on his "Because We Can" tour, together with my best friend. The heel band was Nickelback, at that time I didn't know them, but I love their music now (I wish I had met them before). 
We bought the tickets about 8 months before the show, the wait was long, but finally the day we craved, it came.
That day we met at 8 in the morning at one of the entrances of the monumental stadium, we wanted to have the best view, but we weren't the only ones with that thought, because despite being early, I remember that there were many people waiting before we came. At the end, we got comfortable and waited for the open of the doors.
We managed to find some very good seats, it looked great! When the heel band ended and finally Bon Jovi appeared, I witnessed the chaos, all shouting, worshiping him. I don't remember what the first song was, but I'm sure all of them were wonderful. The song that moved me the most was Always, to this day I got excited about that song! It's beautiful.
When the concert was over, we were tired and with a worn out voice, but the emotion we lived in that moment was unique! I would go to another of his concerts without a doubt.


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