
Postgraduate studies

I had never questioned the possibility of doing a postgraduate before, so when I saw the blog's theme I began to investigate and the Doctorate in Public Health caught my attention. It is taught in the same university that I am studing, so I think that in the near future I might get interested. Last semester I had a public health course with Professor Ariel Castro, and it was very interesting. There, we address issues such as: the health system in Chile, social determinants, the epidemiology of some diseases, among others. I like knowing about the health system in Chile, it serves a lot to work in the medical area, to know about the GES, the different health plans that exist, the policies of the health systems, all that is a different approach, and I Think that it's really interesting. Based on the above, the Doctorate in public health would be very useful to apply new models and methods to improve health in Chile. This deviates a bit from my plans as a future pharmaceut

My future job

Despite I love to travel, the work of a pharmaceutical chemist isn't, definitely, a job that is done outdoors, either in a pharmacy, in a laboratory, or in a hospital, and the work I would like to do it's related to the last one; the medical area, next to doctors and nurses, because I would like to bring a better attention to each patient. If I get to choose the medical area, I wouldn't be able to travel so much, unless I go to another place to work. I don't think this option is bad, owing to there are a lot of places in Chile where the pharmaceutical staff is scarce. I have not rejected the option of working in a pharmaceutic laboratory, I think it would be great too, because I like the laboratory environment, either to investigate new medicines or to prepare the medicaments that alredy exist, I like both ideas, but I think that traveling is more probably being part of the research area.  By now, the salary isn't what worries me the most, I know that the jo

What am I really into?

In recent times, I have been very interested in watching series. I've watched a lot of them, but my favorites are Friends and Grey's Anatomy. Sometimes I feel like I get lost on them; the characters are funny and their plots are very interesting. I am also watching a new series, it is called "Merlí", and I like it because it teaches about philosophy and about the point of view of some of the most famous characters of history. Also, I have spending time going to new places; I developed a taste for open spaces and parks, so with my friends we went to a natural park called "Aguas de Ramón", it is beautiful, and it has a lot of native species, like some bushes and birds. I hope to continue knowing other parks, I wish to go to the "Quebrada de Macul" or maybe to "Cajón del Maipo". Another thing that I like to do recently is going to the gym, I like the cardio machines and weight training. Also I have met really nice people there! And

The most embarrasing moment i'm willing to admit.

The most embarrasing moment I'm willing to admit it happened when I was about 7 years old. My family and I went to the supermarket to shop the month's food. Everything was being really normal, my little cousin and I were runing and searching every eats that were in my aunt's list until something caught our attention and we separate from the adults ... I don't remember what it was, it could be perfectly some kind of chocolate, or maybe potato chips, but we got lost for it... Now that I think, we probably just got lost for 5 minutes, but for me... those minutes were like years! I was really worry, so I asked my cousin to remember something so sad that she could cry and gets some guard's attention, she couldn't cry by herself, so we made a deal, and I stepped her. She soon began to cry and we drow attention as we wanted, but then I saw my uncles, they were looking at me with disapproval, they thought I just hit her! And not only them, everyone looked at me with d

My favorite concert

  I know I will always remember my first concert, it was wonderful! In 2013 I went to see Bon Jovi on his " Because We Can " tour, together with my best friend. The heel band was Nickelback, at that time I didn't know them, but I love their music now (I wish I had met them before).  We bought the tickets about 8 months before the show, the wait was long, but finally the day we craved, it came. That day we met at 8 in the morning at one of the entrances of the monumental stadium, we wanted to have the best view, but we weren't the only ones with that thought, because despite being early, I remember that there were many people waiting before we came. At the end, we got comfortable and waited for the open of the doors. We managed to find some very good seats, it looked great! When the heel band ended and finally Bon Jovi appeared, I witnessed the chaos, all shouting, worshiping him. I don't remember what the first song was, but I'm sure all of them were

A country I would like to visit.

I have always think about traveling to Cuba because I’m in love with the landscapes, the culture, the music and all of the joy that Cuban people can offer. Despite of the politics problems they have, the resource and money shortage, I’m still thinking that it’s a beautiful country for all of us. If I had the opportunity to be there, I would tour all the places that have been declared World Heritage by Unesco, I also would like to tour and admire the colorful colonial architectures. Some places that I would like to visit are Havana, Varadero, Baracoa, among many others! In spite of being a wonderful place, I would not like to study or work there, due to the economic and political problems the country has presented in the last century, but without a doubt I will go for a period of time to know these beautiful places and their wonderful people.